Friday, August 25, 2006
Anti-social Once Again
There are
lots (and I mean lots) of people downstairs and I am here, locked up in the room -- being the
anti-social once again. I don't even know why I go anti-social, for Pete's sake. There's like a party downstairs (cept that I know everyone coz it's like a family gathering :O) and what have I been doing? I have been in front of this computer (yes, creating this lay) and I just went down to eat, and a few minutes ago they called me for this picture taking thinga-majig. Okaaaaay. And I didn't even want to go down for the picture taking. My cute lil cousins are downstairs but still I refuse to join them for some "fun" if there is some fun I would experience there. Sad thing?
There's no one here who's my age. The one nearest to me's like 5-7 years older and uh, 5 years younger so yeah, I'm technically "alone". Which may be the reason why I go anti-social in these types of gatherings. :|
Anyway, I'd stop blabbing on now, and I'll make you guys talk.
What do you think about my new layout? Comments, please! Tag up :D
♥ Erix ♥
10:17 PM
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